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How to Use Facebook to Drive More Traffic to Your Website

How to Use Facebook to Drive More Traffic to Your Website

Would you like to drive more Facebook traffic to your website? Questioning how to optimize your website shares for visibility and reach?
In this article, you’ll learn a five-step plan on how to use Facebook to drive more traffic to your website.

#1 Frequently publish engaging content

The simplest method to establish engagement and loyalty on Facebook is to share captivating tips, news and pictures of your products and services on your Page a few times a week.
Also, try to incorporate links to your website on your Page posts with evident calls to action so that people can simply click through to your website.

#2 Compose Facebook Ads to increase website traffic

Facebook Ads increase website traffic and appear as large, clickable images in people’s News Feeds on both desktop and mobile devices. They are optimized to direct more customers to your site with notable offers, product sales or exclusive content.

# 3 Optimize your landing page

When promoting a URL in your posts and Page post ads, ensure that you use applicable webpages that are optimized for conversion. For instance, if you’re selling a new product, connect people directly to the product’s page and make it simple for people to buy the product instead of taking them to a generic homepage.

# 4 Target your ads

Facebook has numerous targeting methods to help you reach precise groups of people. For example, you can use data such as location, age, gender and interests to show your ads to the right people. When targeting location, you can target customers in specific countries, states, cities or zip codes. When targeting age & gender, you can select the age range and gender of the people who will find your ad relevant. You can also reach your customer based on their listed interests. For example, if your customers are car owners, you can target people who like automobiles or automobile industry.

# 5 Measure and optimize

There are some methods to measure and optimize your ads for better results:
Optimize for clicks bidding in order to increase website traffic, since your ads will be exposed to people that are most likely to engage with the content. You can test different types of Page post copy, calls to action (CTAs) and images in order to see which ones contribute the most engagement.
Use Page Insights and the Ads Manager to understand which ads are performing the best and which audiences are engaging the most. Ads Manager delivers precise reports that help you to understand which categories of people are interacting with your ads. You can use this data to revive your ad copy and images and continue running with the greatest performing ads.

The Difference Between Boosted Posts And Facebook Ads

The Difference Between Boosted Posts And Facebook Ads

If you want to advertise on Facebook, you can essentially choose between two advertising methods: boosting your posts, or creating Facebook ads. Many people can’t tell the difference between the two, and are often confused when they need to choose which option to use. So, let’s explain each method to help you understand the difference.

Boosted Posts

By allocating a portion of your advertising budget you can boost a post that you already posted on your page. A regular post on its own usually reaches only a small portion of your audience. On the other hand, boosting a post means that more people will see it. You can boost status updates, photos, videos, and offers from your business page, and they will appear higher in the News Feed of your targeted audience.

You can build your audience based on “people you choose through targeting” (interests, demographics, behaviors), “people who like your page”, or “people who like your page and their friends”. By boosting a post, you can increase audience engagement, such as likes, comments, and shares, and therefore increase brand awareness.

You can boost a post directly from the blue “Boost” button that appears in the right-hand corner of your posts, or you can do it from the Facebook Ad Manager. The boosted posts appear as “Sponsored” posts in the News Feed.

Facebook Ads

To create Facebook ads, you need to have a Facebook Ad account. Unlike boosting a post, when you create a Facebook ad, you have more advanced targeting, formatting, and analytics options.

Depending on your goal, you can choose from different ad objectives:

  • awareness (brand awareness, local awareness, reach)
  • consideration (traffic, engagement, app installs, video views, lead generation)
  • conversion (conversions, product catalogue sales, store visits)

When setting up the campaign, you can use advanced targeting options, such as:

  • demographics (location, age, gender, languages, etc.)
  • interests (business and industry, entertainment, family and relationships, hobbies and activities, etc.)
  • behaviors (business-to-business, job role, expats, travel, media, etc.)
  • connections (people who liked your page, people who used your app, people who are going to your event, etc.)
  • remarketing (people who visited your website, custom lists of emails, custom lists of phone numbers, or custom lists of Facebook user ID-s)

After determining your audience, you can add budget, creative (an image or video that people will see), and messaging. When creating ads, you also have the option to use call to action buttons, such as “Like our page”, “Shop now”, “Get directions”, and others. Facebook ads also appear as “Sponsored” posts in the News Feed.


Whether you decide to use a Facebook ad, or boost your organic posts, depends on your overall goals. If you want to increase post likes and comments, then you should go with boosted posts. If you want to generate leads or drive traffic to your website, then you should go with Facebook ads. Determine what you want to achieve, and choose the appropriate advertising method.

How to Get More Likes on Your Facebook Business Page

How to Get More Likes on Your Facebook Business Page

Facebook stands out as one of the largest social media networks out there, with the highest number of active users. That’s why millions of businesses use it to promote their products and services. If you have a Facebook page for your business and you’re trying to get more people to like it, you know it’s a tough job.

To successfully promote your business on Facebook you need to have people that see, like, and follow your page, because those people are your potential customers. There are plenty of methods you can use to attract people to your page and get more likes, so here are some that have been proven to work.

#1 Create valuable content

You should focus on creating valuable content that will inspire people to like and share it with other people. The better your content, the more people will like and share it. And the more people like and share your content, the more people will see it. Try to create entertaining, educational, and informational posts. And make sure you make your posts public, so they can be seen and shared by anyone.

#2 Post visuals

Whether it’s a photo, a video, or an illustration, people like visual content. According to Kissmetrics, photos get 53% more likes, 104% more comments and 84% more click-throughs on links than text-based posts. So, make sure you often post relevant but eye-catching photos and other visuals to your page. This can significantly increase your visibility, and get you new page likes.

#3 Keep it short and simple

Your posts should be brief and pleasant. People have short attention spans, so you don’t want to bore them with too much information. If you’re sharing a text, limit it to a small number of characters. According to jeffbullas.com, “posts with less than 80 characters in length receive 66% higher engagement than longer posts. Very concise posts – those between one and 40 characters – generate highest engagement.”

#4 Use the right timing

To get the best results, you should post your content at the right time of the day. This means the time of day when your target audience is most likely to be online. For example, people are more active on Facebook during the “non-busy” hours, when they are not at work. However, the best time to post depends on your business and your audience, so do some tests and research to find out what’s the optimal time to share your content.

#5 Use Facebook ads

Paid ads are always a good way to promote your products and services, and reach new potential fans on Facebook. You can target your audience based on location, demographics, interests, and so on. Based on your budget, Facebook will give you an estimation of the number of people you’re reaching.

#6 Promote your page

You can also attract people to your Facebook page by promoting it on other sites. For example, share it on all the other social media networks you use, and promote it on your main website. Let people outside of Facebook know that your page exists, and invite them to visit, like and share it.


Capturing the attention of your Facebook audience is important because it can help you achieve your business goals. By getting more followers on Facebook, you’re getting new potential customers.

Use the above methods in your strategy, and good luck on your quest to improve your Facebook presence, and get more likes on your page!