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How to Use Facebook to Drive More Traffic to Your Website

How to Use Facebook to Drive More Traffic to Your Website

Would you like to drive more Facebook traffic to your website? Questioning how to optimize your website shares for visibility and reach?
In this article, you’ll learn a five-step plan on how to use Facebook to drive more traffic to your website.

#1 Frequently publish engaging content

The simplest method to establish engagement and loyalty on Facebook is to share captivating tips, news and pictures of your products and services on your Page a few times a week.
Also, try to incorporate links to your website on your Page posts with evident calls to action so that people can simply click through to your website.

#2 Compose Facebook Ads to increase website traffic

Facebook Ads increase website traffic and appear as large, clickable images in people’s News Feeds on both desktop and mobile devices. They are optimized to direct more customers to your site with notable offers, product sales or exclusive content.

# 3 Optimize your landing page

When promoting a URL in your posts and Page post ads, ensure that you use applicable webpages that are optimized for conversion. For instance, if you’re selling a new product, connect people directly to the product’s page and make it simple for people to buy the product instead of taking them to a generic homepage.

# 4 Target your ads

Facebook has numerous targeting methods to help you reach precise groups of people. For example, you can use data such as location, age, gender and interests to show your ads to the right people. When targeting location, you can target customers in specific countries, states, cities or zip codes. When targeting age & gender, you can select the age range and gender of the people who will find your ad relevant. You can also reach your customer based on their listed interests. For example, if your customers are car owners, you can target people who like automobiles or automobile industry.

# 5 Measure and optimize

There are some methods to measure and optimize your ads for better results:
Optimize for clicks bidding in order to increase website traffic, since your ads will be exposed to people that are most likely to engage with the content. You can test different types of Page post copy, calls to action (CTAs) and images in order to see which ones contribute the most engagement.
Use Page Insights and the Ads Manager to understand which ads are performing the best and which audiences are engaging the most. Ads Manager delivers precise reports that help you to understand which categories of people are interacting with your ads. You can use this data to revive your ad copy and images and continue running with the greatest performing ads.