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Key Methods to Grow Your Twitter Followers

Key Methods to Grow Your Twitter Followers

Are you searching to receive a greater and more relevant Twitter following?  This blog will demonstrate the key methods to improve your Twitter experience.

#1 Post More Visual Content

Tweets involving visual content collect more likes, shares, and retweets than the tweets without visuals.Therefore, brands must attempt to combine their tweets with a supporting image. Even though there’s nothing wrong with text-based tweets, images are better poised to encourage visitors to look at your post. Temporarily, infographics are shared three times more frequently than any other image on Twitter. Hence, if you’ve got some persuasive data to share with the world, go for it. Just be sure to include a graphic!

#2 Hashtags

HashTags are an exclusive identifier for a particular topic. With just a hashtag, someone who knows nothing about you will notice your tweet if they click on it. Hashtags link tweets that have a similar concentration on a subject. Popular Topics are just trending hashtags at a particular time. Therefore, if you want to have a wider spread with your tweets, include a hashtag or two in your tweet. One thing to bear in mind though is be exciting, be humorous, and let your knowledge out. Dull tweets even on the most popular topic will have poor results.

#3 Add a follow button to your blog

In order to raise your following, it is essential to eliminate all barricades to entrance, and the main fence to entrance is people finding their way to your Twitter profile. The simplest way is to add a social media button to your blog.

#4 Add a Twitter share button to your blog posts

Adding a share button to a blog is imperative for achieving greater twitter followers. With share buttons included, readers can easily tweet posts. The essential phase is to confirm that your Twitter @username is included in your tweets. There are several social sharing plugins such as social warfare, wp social sharing, and swifty bar among others that have this option.

#5 Link out to influencers in your blog posts

There are people in your industry who have a great impact on your target audience. They have big audiences of their own, and you can expand into them. After you publish a blog post, make sure to link out to some influencers and let them know about it. You can inform influencers via Twitter, Google+, or email.

#6 Avoid sending many tweets in a small period

Sending numerous tweets in a short period will contribute to more people unfollowing you. If you’re using diverse tools to send tweets, it can become a bit of a juggling act. If you’re aware of it and attempt to space out your tweets, it will be a big help. Tools such as Buffer are helpful since rather than hitting the tweet button, adding tweets to Buffer will make them available at the agenda of your choosing.

7 Benefits of Using Twitter for Your Business

7 Benefits of Using Twitter for Your Business

Twitter was found in 2006, and has stood the test of time, becoming one of the most popular social media networks in existence. As of the third quarter of 2017 the network had about 330 million active users, according to Statista.

Twitter has also become a popular social media marketing tool among companies, which use it to promote and grow their businesses. However, there are many that haven’t jumped on the Twitter bandwagon, and still hesitate to use it. So, we made a list of seven important benefits of using Twitter for your business.

#1 Cost-effectiveness

There are no costs for joining Twitter. Creating an account on the platform and tweeting are free of charge. You only need to have a computer, tablet, or smartphone, and an internet connection.

#2 Reaching wide audience

As mentioned above, Twitter is one of the most used social media networks right now, with millions of active users. All kinds of people and institutions use it, including celebrities, politicians, corporations, etc. This means that you can easily reach large and diverse audiences by posting relevant content.

#3 Increasing brand awareness

You can increase awareness for your business on Twitter, by focusing on tweeting great content. Great content has a big chance of getting retweeted, meaning more people will see it, and those people can become your new followers. If your followers like your content, they can later become your customers.

#4 Boosting SEO and driving website traffic

Tweets appear in Google searches, so use appropriate keywords and tweet about topics you want to rank for. Maximize the reach of your tweets to get more traffic to your website. Make sure you include an URL to your website in the website field or your profile’s bio. Determine the optimal times of day for tweeting, and use hashtags to increase engagement. You can also create Twitter Ads campaigns and boost your tweets.

#5 Getting feedback

Tweeting is a great way to interact with customers, keep them updated about news for your business, and ask them for opinions on your products. People are usually happy to share their thoughts online, so you can use that information to improve your products and increase customer satisfaction.

#6 Following trends

By searching and following Twitter trends, you can find out what topics are Twitter users interested in at the moment, read about current trends in your industry, and even find out what people are saying about your brand. You can conveniently get real-time information about hot topics and trends, at any time.

#7 Keeping eye on the competition

If your competitors are on Twitter, then you have a chance to watch closely what they do. It’s good to occasionally check what they’re up to, because being aware of what your competition is doing can help you make better decisions for your business, and plan your marketing efforts accordingly.


Twitter community is constantly growing, and it’s slowly but surely becoming a must-have marketing tool for almost any kind of business.